Canvas Instructor Cheat Sheet

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Despite my efforts to persuade them otherwise, often times we are asked for something physical regarding steps to do things in Canvas. We found an old "cheat sheet" on the web and updated it and removed some stuff to make it fit on one page (front and back) so it could be printed and laminated for those who absolutely have to have a physical resource. I really wish I could credit the original source for this so if you can place it please let me know.

Community Contributor

Sometimes something as quick and simple as this is needed. Thanks for sharing

Community Team
Community Team

Thanks for sharing! I know that there are several teachers in my building who will love this resource.

Community Champion

awilliams​ I empathize with your conflictedness Smiley Wink.

I was asked to make a Canvas Gradebook/Handout for teachers and I struggled with this because the community is much better than any handout I can give them and as soon as it's printed it is only a matter of time before changes are made. I think some people just feel better if they have a physical handout.

Anyway, thanks for posting this! I'm going to put it to use.

Community Novice


Thanks for sharing this is helpful to give those who still like a printed instruction sheet.


Community Novice

Thank you

Community Champion

awilliams‌ you might have answered a few prayers.

Thank you!

Community Participant

I am needing to print a report of the student outcomes for Parent/Teacher conferences.  I've not been able to find information that guides me through that process.  I need the report to show all the assignments attached to a specific outcome and the score of the assignments that then create the learning mastery score for that outcome.  Any direction would be much appreciated.

Community Champion

Valorie - Do you mean for YOU (as an administrator) or for the instructors?  Would this help for the instuctors?  (How do I view the outcomes results report for an individual student in a course? )

If you mean for you as an administrator, have you tried creating the Outcomes report at the sub-account level as a report.  (See: )  An Outcomes report is one of the options, and you may want to play around with the different outputs.  It will, however, give them to you as a CSV file that you will have to do quite a bit of sorting/filtering, etc., to make it more accessible for faculty.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey  @vcarmer , have you checked out How do I use the Learning Mastery Gradebook to view outcome results in a course? There is a way to export a report from there.

Community Participant

I need something simple to read for parents - who I can't get as an

observer - so they can see the outcome score based on SBG scoring of 4

(which I have set up in my Canvas class) and all the assignments that are

connected to that outcome with the trending scores of those assignments. I

really want the parents to see that numerous assignments have simply not

been turned in which has then resulted in a failing grade. But I need

something super easy for parents to follow. And I want only those outcomes

that I am presently using. (I have outcomes for second semester for the

course, but if I include all of that in the report, these parents will get

confused and then there will be additional issues.) The easier I can make

Canvas the better it is for all of us.

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 10:23 AM, <>

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Would anyone like to take over ownership of this document? I am no longer able to maintain it but it seems to still be something of value to a fair number of folks. If so, let me know and I can add you as an editor.

Community Champion

Happy to help awilliams

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Awesome, thanks! I think you should have edit rights now. Let me know if you don't see an edit button in the top-right.

Community Champion


Community Explorer

Great source, thank you!

Community Novice

Thank you for sharing!!

Community Novice

How accurate is this with all the new updates? It seems almost 99%

Community Champion

Thanks for the reminder to update  @jluna16 !

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @Bobby2  Thank You so much for keeping this resource valuable!

Community Novice

Love this, so helpful. Is there a student cheat sheet?

Community Explorer

This is excellent! Thank you! 

@Bobby2 - How can I get the updated / current version of this super-useful document?  Thank you for picking it up!