A Class Discussion

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How the heck do I find a class discussion?  The instructions provided by Canvas are pretty much...no they are useless. 

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Good evening, @MarkStone ...

I agree with @SusanNiemeyer that it would help to know if you are a student or an instructor.  My guess (and this is only a guess based on the e-mail address I see on your profile) is that you are a student.  Discussion topics in courses are typically found on the "Discussions" page of your course.  How do I view Discussions as a student? - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)  However, It's quite possible that your instructor has hidden the "Discussions" course navigation menu button from you and your classmates.  If you cannot see the "Discussions" menu item as described in the Guide that I linked, your instructor may want you to access discussion topics through the "Modules" area of your course instead.  This would be something you'd need to ask your instructor on how he/she has set up the course.  How do I get help with Canvas as a student? - Instructure Community.  I'd encourage you to also watch this video tutorial...as it will give you some general information about Discussion topics: Discussions Overview (Students) - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

If you are an instructor, this video tutorial would be a good starting point: Discussions Overview (Instructors) - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).  Then, if you wanted to take a deeper dive into how Discussions work and the other things you can do with them, you can then look at any of the written Guides.

Not sure if any of this will be helpful to you or not, but hopefully you'll be able to provide some additional info for us so that Susan and I (or others) can continue to help you out.  Thanks!

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