Group Project Messing Up Past Assignments

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I teach high school Economics with four sections I've merged into a single class.  Last week I assigned a group project for students to work on, allowing them to work with a partner and submit one assignment.

Problem is, the groups for this Project are now being applied to all past assignments.  Someone turns in a late assignment and when I go to speed grader, I get 2 students from one specific group, and cannot access any other assignments at all.

I don't want to have to delete the groups to put in grades and copy rubric information again and again, but I can't stop grading papers for a week this close to the end of the school year.

Does anyone know why this is happening and how I might fix it?

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1 Solution

Hello @William42 

With group assignments, when a student turns in a submission, the submission will count for everyone in the group. You do have the option to assign grades individually to each student in the group. By default, it will usually be set up tio grade the submission for the entire group. 

If a student in one of the group turns in a submission late, the assignment will ask you to go back and re-grade the most recent submission made by the group member in Speedgrader. You should be able to use the option to Use Same Grade For The Resubmission. You can also change the status of the re-submission if needed. You might know this already, but i am including it just in case. If you need to eliminate last submission on your assignments, you can easily do this by just adjusting the availability dates.  Using the Until date will create a cutoff time that will tell the assignment when to no longer accept submissions. 

As to why the grade is changing for all previous assignments associated with the group, I would need to take a look at your specific examples of this and where it is happening. It might be best to have support look into that further if it is causing some problems for you when grading. 


Hopefully this helps! 


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