Account-Level Observer Assignments

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In the Canvas Guide "What is the Observer Role?" there is a reference to observers that are assigned at the account level. I work with a Competency-Based Higher Education Program in which students have mentors that follow them throughout the program. We'd like our mentors to have observer-level access on Canvas that we can assign once, on an account-level, so that those mentors are able to view their student's work in each of the courses they take. 

However, we are having difficulty learning how to assign observers at an account-level, and have been informed that it is not possible to do so. The recommendation has been to assign these mentors as observers on the course level, but this would take significantly more upkeep throughout a students' program that we are hoping to avoid. In light of the article above, I'm hopeful that there is another way. Has anyone experienced success in assigning observers to students at an account level (not a course level)? 


Thanks in advance! 



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1 Solution

Hi @OliviaHall6 

I was merely linking to a document that I found here in the community.  It's basically the same as the information on this help page:

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