Add forms and availability listings to pages

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I would like to add forms and availability listings to pages so that students can book Scheduler tutorials and provide feedback/submit data/contact faculty members etc. from a course home page.

How do I do this? Do I need to use iframes?

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2 Solutions

Hello @JedKeenan 

Thank you for posting about this in the Canvas Community. I hope you are doing well today! 

Currently a page in Canvas does not allow for students to insert feedback or upload anything since pages are not capable of collecting submissions and things of that nature. I have seen some some schools will insert important external links or even embed things such as google forms that allow the student to submit feedback, and sign up for appointments slots

You might be able to make this happen with some custom CSS and/or iFrames. I'm curious if anyone from the Community has any experience with this. 



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Community Participant

Hello Colton,

I will integrate Celcat and use an iframe to present lists of types of appointments showing availability and a booking tool for students and/or colleagues. I half-heartedly presented for Canvas but Robin/Celcat/Gmail/ feeding the Canvas calendar and our SIS works best for us.


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