Anyone else been having trouble with classes showing up on their Canvas?

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Im registered for all my next classes this spring semester but they are not showing up on my Canvas. I waited a bit to see if maybe the teachers just haven't posted but I don't think that's the case. Has anybody else had trouble with this before? 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @VictoriaWarren ...

For cases like this where you cannot see your courses, you're going to need to reach out to your school's Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team.  There are many schools here in the Canvas Community website, and each have their own schedule of when courses begin and when instructors should be publishing their courses so that students can access course content.  The first thing I'd check, though, is to go to your "Courses" >> "All Courses" screen in Canvas.  How do I view all my Canvas courses as a student?  On this screen, do you see your courses listed that you are looking for?  If so, are the courses published?  If you can see the course names but they show that they are not yet published, this means your instructors have not published the courses yet.  You and your classmates would not be able to access the content until the courses are published.  If you do not see your courses listed on the "All Courses" screen at all, then that is when you'll definitely need to reach out to your instructor(s).

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

I found this page on your school's website that might offer some contact information for you to try if you need to contact someone there:

NVC : Instructure Canvas | Alamo Colleges

I hope this information will be helpful to you.  Good luck this semester!!!

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