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If you are inheriting a course from another teacher do you "start a new course" and import any material/modules you want to use into this year's "new" course?

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I am new to Canvas and managing four calendars with the same events.  The last response I was able to find related to sharing the same event on multiple calendars was from 2016. Was a solution ever found, or do we still have to enter each event indiv...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I have a following strucuture: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="" xmlns:lomr="" xmlns:lomm="

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Canvas Question Forum
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my subission is late but I have to subitt it through canvas still how can I still submitt it to the professor but not as a email. Come to realize Was never allowed to submitt

  • 1 Replies

Im reading in Readiness Course. I need to download Java. I have a Chromebook and need help downloading please. Thank you

  • 1 Replies

Hello, The following API query used to work:"GET", "<course_id>/search_users?search_term=" & uid, Falseuid is our university id, which matches up with the sis_user_id in the canvas user record. So it seem...

  • 6 Replies

My Canvas dashboard and assignment pages are showing up too large.  Can you assist me on how to make the the normal size?  This just happened while I was grading.  I can't put in grades or comments in the boxes provided.  Thank you for your assistanc...

  • 1 Replies

Is all the training online?

  • 1 Replies

Can you restore course content or bring back what your course was from a day or two ago especially for Free for teacher users?

  • 1 Replies

I have assignments in which I just put in grades and students do not have to upload anything. I copied a old quiz to another unit in my module page. I changed the title of the quiz to Final Exam and published it. When I went to the my gradebook I not...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to create a slideshow or image gallery on a page with embedded links to places within Canvas? My preference would be to do this using HTML in canvas vs. linking to an external source.  I am starting to learn HTML but know very little. ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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From a Quiz Log I see:Started at Thu Jul 29 2021 12:00:00 GMT-040016:10 Answered question:#1So the student answered the question at 12:16:10.  Right? I recorded the quiz (video) and the timestamp on the video, for the mouse click, was 12:16:30,so it ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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In a Quiz log, I see 00:01 Session started21:24 Answered question:#121:32 Answered question:#121:41 Answered question:#124:32 Answered question:#2 but I do NOT see the usual: <timestamp>Viewed (and possibly read) question #1<timestamp>Viewed (and pos...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all We need our lecturers to be able to add personal notes about their students somewhere on Canvas. Is there a Canvas builtin functionality or any App that let lecturers to add notes about the students? I am thinking of something like a diary abo...

  • 4 Replies

We have a small school and prefer to allow teachers to create their own courses. Now that we are starting a new year, I have created a new term with the appropriate start and end dates. However, when a teacher creates a course it is automatically ass...

  • 3 Replies

With LTI 1.1 when we added an external tool at the course level, we were able to add custom parameters into the Custom fields area.  With LTI 1.3 when choosing the Client ID at the course level for adding the app, there isn't an equivalent field to p...

  • 2 Replies

Hi there, I feel like it might not be possible but is there a way to prevent students from inboxing each other but still have the feature active for them to inbox teachers?

  • 1 Replies

Hi! I'm wondering if there is a way to link directly to a lesson within a Rise 360 course that has been uploaded to Canvas via the SCORM LTI.    Thanks in advance!

  • 1 Replies

I'm working with the Enrollments endpoint, and the live API displays the following request URL when filtering on enrollment type: .../api/v1/courses/2624/enrollments?type[]=TeacherEnrollment&type[]=StudentEnrollment The intention being to limit the r...

  • 4 Replies

Hello everyone, My professor says it is possible to draw directly into Canvas for completing lab assignments. I can't see how to do this. Does anyone know? Thanks, Laura.

  • 4 Replies

I have been using the old quiz format with quiz banks for several years.  I am attempting to change to the new quiz format.  Previously I used Respondus to directly upload my quiz bank to Canvas and it worked well.  After switching my Canvas settings...

  • 2 Replies

Course creators occasionally accidentally include the period when copy/pasting the self-enroll URL, and less tech-savvy students may not know to remove it. I've already submitted a request on Github for this simple change, but it hasn't gotten any re...

  • 2 Replies

So we are transitioning from Moodle to Canvas this fall which means we have to think differently about a lot of things. In Moodle, I could "turn on and off" a quiz for individuals or groups at any time. I'm not sure how this functions in Canvas. I as...

  • 6 Replies

I set my assignment to a letter grade, but when students are still able to see their numerical grades e.g. (86) A in their gradebook. Any workaround to remove the numerical grade from students?  

  • 1 Replies

Hi all 1. Today it started hanging on loading 'Share Screen' functionality. Could not get it to share screen (although it did initially). Camera and audio were fine, so I don't think it was bandwidth. Also students could share their screens when I ma...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi We use Big Blue Button for our online conferences on Canvas. A few lecturers have mentioned that there is a problem with BBB recording when they try to resume the recording after the class short break. BBB doesn't record the session after they res...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,  I'm using Canvas API to create a new course "/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/courses" It working perfectly when I pass the name&sis_course_id. I would like pass information about Term & Subaccount. Term: I use this property "term_id" -> it always t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Are the actual comments on grades emailed to students, or do they only receive notification that they received a comment?  If the comment is deleted or edited before they log in, will they only see the updated comment?  I’m trying to figured out what...

  • 5 Replies