Archiving Canvas Tiles

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When all students are completed, or withdrawn from a course and there will be no more enrolments into that course, how can this course be permanently removed from the Teacher Dashboard (but with access from Admin)?

If a course is concluded, is there any impact on the student's completed work?

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @NatalieCussell ...

Can you please explain more why you would want to be removing both students and instructors from a course that has ended?  If you do that, the student data/submissions in the course are lost.  Only if you re-enroll the students back into the course will these things re-appear.  Keeping instructors and students enrolled in courses might also be necessary for your school for reporting purposes, auditing purposes, or if you ever had a student challenge a grade.  You'd have all that history to fall back on.

At the Canvas administrative level, courses are usually placed in Terms.  And, Terms are usually configured with access dates where students and instructors are allowed to access courses within a Term between a start and end date.  Further, within a course, you can configure the start and end date of the course...either using the dates from the Term or setting your own dates.

Setting dates like this for the term and/or the course would remove the course from the Dashboard after it has finished...but keep it on the "All Courses" screen under the "Past Enrollments" heading as described here:How do I customize my Courses list as an instructor?

I hope this helps to explain things a bit.  Sing out if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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