Assignment Points Automatically Adjusted to Match Total Points?

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A 30-question assignment was created with each question worth one point. The assignment is worth 100 points. Will a student only get 30 points if they answer each question correctly, even though the assignment is worth 100 points? Or does Canvas adjust to make the 30 correct out of 30 equal the 100 points?

I have to remove one of the questions, which will now make an assignment with 29 questions, and each worth 1 point. Do I need to make any adjustments to the individual points or total assignment points to make sure a student gets the appropriate credit?

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Community Champion

@MalenaM I think the confusion comes from when @Ron_Bowman asked if it was a quiz or assignment the answer should have been "quiz".  Yes, new quizzes show in the assignment area of Canvas but they are still a quiz.  The main difference is there is no auto-grading to assignments so a student would earn whatever score you entered.

Since you are using New Quizzes, Canvas should be doing the math based on what value you created the quiz to be worth and what point value you made each question.  In your initial post, you said 30 questions each worth 1 point but the total score was 100.  In this situation each question really would be worth 3.33 (100/30) points.  When you removed the 1 question making it 29 questions, that should have then made each question worth 3.45 (100/29) points.

Not really sure what you then mean in your reply but the math will work out the same where it is taking the total and dividing it by the points you assigned to each question to work out the math.

Hope this helps!


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