Auto-loading grading schemes in courses

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We have different colleges that use different different grading schemes. 

I'm wondering if: Since we have multiple grading schemes created at the admin level... can we AUTOMATICALLY load these schemes into specific courses in certain colleges (like all classes that have the CON course name) instead of having faculty have to edit the schemes themselves?


Thank you 🙂

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @AngelaSolic,

I believe you could set up course templates (Canvas Release: Course Templates (2021-05-15) ) with the grading schemes attached, and them set those templates as the default for a subaccount.  This would only work if your courses were subdivided into appropriate department/discipline type subaccounts though.

You could potentially also write a script that would utilize the API to crawl through courses and set the schemes up.  This option would be more flexible, but would require someone who's good at scripting, and may also need to run on some sort of schedule to keep catching new courses.

I hope one of these options may help get you closer to where you'd like to be!


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