Big Blue Button Recordings

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Is it possible to recover recordings from the concluded conferences section after the 7 day period?  I have several videos that were recorded and I need to access them.  The instructor was not aware of the 7 day period and thought students could access them the entire term. 

1 Solution

Hi there,

I'm Fred Dixon, the Product Manager.  While I work at Blindside Networks and can't speak on behalf of Instructure, I can answer your questions.

> Is it possible to recover recordings from the concluded conferences section after the 7 day period? I have several videos that were recorded and I need to access them. The instructor was not aware of the 7 day period and thought students could access them the entire term.

Unfortunately not -- a deleted recording is deleted.  

If your school has a subscription to Canvas from Instructure, recommend reaching out to your CSM about upgrading from the Free Tier (recordings last for 7 days) to the Premium Tier (recordings are permanent) for your school.  


Regards,... Fred

BigBlueButton Product Manager
(I also moonlight as the CEO for Blindside Networks)

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