Bulk Course Conclusions

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Our university has several courses that need to be concluded after grades have been posted. Our new policy removes the instructor's ability to conclude courses. We would like to know if a method or code exists to conclude a set or a bulk of courses at the end of a term.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Ladi_Ke,

Someone else may have a better option but I believe the easiest option is to adjust the settings (provide a date, taking into consideration - if your institution has it - for potential incompletes) for your terms to stop access for teachers.

Check out the "Terms" section of the Canvas Admin Guide at https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/tkb-p/admin#Terms.

From my quick testing (I have not used it before), after an end date was added to the teacher access of a term and while acting as a teacher in beta, I could not change any grades.


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