Bulk edits of HTML

Community Participant

Hello, there are lots of questions regarding bulk edits for key areas but I couldn't find anything on HTML.

Is there a way to bulk edit HTML of pages within an Environment, and/or a Course, and/or a Module. I understand blueprints might be a solution but I'm thinking more along the lines if you wish to change some HTML across an environment, say how a particular HTML Class attribute.

For example, it might be possible to do a find an replace in a database?

A related issue, after a recent Canvas update it appears use of a i tag "<i></i>" with a class attribute has been stripped out of Discussion Forum pages? Its odd, but the upshot is the class attribute for this tag now needs changing wherever it is used i.e. its not possible to use CSS to correct this because Canvas is stripping out the Class.

Advice and ideas welcome.