Bulk suspending user accounts that have not logged in since a year

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We want to suspend user accounts in Canvas that have not logged in for a year. We do this using the SIS Import CSV.  I can run the "Last User Activity" report to get the list of users but the problem is that this report does not pull login Ids which is a required field for the SIS Import CSV file. Is there a way we can download the list of users from Canvas including Users_Sis_ID, Login_ID, and Last_Activity_Date?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @MasihHayeri 

I would pull the "Last User Access" report, not the "Last Enrollment Activity" report.  The "Last User Access" report includes the last dat that the person logged in, not just the last date they were active in a course.  It also includes the user_sis_id, which you can match against the complete users list from the "Provisioning" report if you need additional information to generate a like of users to suspend.

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