Can I merge multiple courses via an SIS upload?

Community Participant

I receive a LOT of requests from faculty to merge their like-courses in Canvas, which isn't a big deal in itself. However, we are now coming across more & more issues the divisions having to cancel & merge courses on their end the week before the semester starts due to low enrollments, so it creates a mess with any affected courses I've already merged. My solution would be to create an ongoing list of merge requests, but wait to upload it until the divisions have had a chance to make their modifications, and then upload one file over the weekend. My alternative is to manually merge them over that weekend, but that could take hours, and so if there's a way to just upload an SIS file, that would save me a lot of time. From what I can tell, I may have to do a combination of a courses upload and a sections upload, however I'm not sure what field titles correspond to our own fields in the SIS files. Any suggestions or help is appreciated!

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