Can't see my courses from skyward on my dashboard and I don't know why.

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I keep checking my canvas dashboard to see if I have my classes but I don't, and I don't know why I can't see the classes im taking even though I have friends in the same classes and they can see it.

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

@PrestonBooth ...

Unfortunately, your question isn't one that we'll be able to solve here in the we do not have access to your school's Canvas environment.  The best route for you to take is to speak with your school's Canvas administrator or someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team.  Someone should be able to help you get enrolled in those courses within Canvas.

Also, just to be sure, in Canvas ... check your "Courses" >> "All Courses" screen.  If you do not see your courses listed on the "All Courses" screen, then you'll want to talk with people at your school.  If you do see the courses listed there...but they are not published, then the instructor hasn't yet made the content available to you and your classmates.  However, since you said that other classmates can see the courses, I'm guessing that you might not actually be enrolled in the courses yet.

I hope this will help.  Sing out if you have other questions...thanks!

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