Canvas Commons - A couple of ideas

Community Novice

Howdy admins!

We recently had a bit of a cleanup as a result of a small quirk with Canvas Commons, and a recent discussion in the APAC‌ community solidified that a couple of ideas I have, may be relevant for a wider audience. I thought as admins, some of you may have come across this after things had gone wrong, hence thought I would share.

I am sure a few of you will be aware of the 'Import into All Courses' checkbox in Commons. It had to do with this being selected, then overwriting content with older versions which resulted in much cleanup (rather than the intent, which was to import to a single course).

I have put together a couple of ideas in hope to drum up support to get some minor changes to make this more contextual, improve the user experience, and generally make it a little more foolproof (I will happily admit this has snagged me too).

Idea 1 - (essentially, use the course context to import only into the course you use to get to commons)

Idea 2 - (add an additional 'are you sure' layer and button text change to reflect importing into ALL courses when the all checkbox is selected).

Would love to get your thoughts on these ideas, and perhaps if they are relevant for you, as well as any additional relevant ideas or thoughts you have had on how this little quirk could be improved.



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