Canvas Outcomes Report

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Community Novice

In the Certificate I deliver, there are about 85 different assessments to be resulted in the Outcomes Report. The problem is that some of the might be grouped together (2 theory an 1 practical), while same others are split, making it very difficult to find them to make sure the students have completed everything. 

Is there a way to have them all grouped in alphabetical order for example?


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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@Andrea44 You may want to consider using the Learning Mastery Gradebook to view the Outcomes results instead of the Outcomes Report.  The columns/outcomes in the Learning Mastery Gradebook can be ordered and reorganized.  Additionally the results can be downloaded as a csv that you can organize and format and desired using most spreadsheet editors. How do I use the Learning Mastery Gradebook to view outcome results in a course?  and How do I view outcomes or student results individually in the Learning Mastery Gradebook?  might be helpful.

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