Canvas Quizzes-App Students still have access to quiz after closed

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I have email Canvas twice regarding the issue that students that have the app installed on their phones, can still access a closed test.  At this time, we still have not received an answer, and did not find one in the resources on the site.  And there is no phone number that I can call (at least I did not see one on the website like there use to be).

This happened again today when I noticed a student showing her classmates the quiz on her phone after we had just closed the quiz.  The entire quiz was available for view, which means the questions are no longer safe to continue to use for the next class, or those student absent.  We also do a comprehensive exam, and the students have access to all the questions.

What are other nursing instructors doing to solve this issue?  

1 Solution

Hi @suzanne_meyer,

I would recommend that you contact Canvas Support directly about this through whatever means your school has made available to you.  I don't think the behavior you're describing is intended, but users here in the Instructure Community don't have access to your particular canvas environment/courses/users like Canvas support does.  That kind of access is almost a necessity to troubleshoot an issue like this, but it may be hard for support to track down due to complexities of the Canvas app, individual device settings, etc.  They should at least be able to get you some kind of official response though.


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