Canvas activity monitoring for file access/viewing

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Hi, I just took an online quiz on Canvas which was supposed to be closed-book/closed-notes. I didn't realize I had another Canvas tab open which I had opened a couple of nights ago and forgot to close, in addition to the one where i was taking the quiz, with one of the files from that class. I clicked into the non-quiz tab accidentally while navigating between Word (my prof had us create our long-form response to a question in Word and upload into Canvas) and my quiz, and was confused and then realized it was one of our reading materials and navigated away - I didn't close the tab I just minimized the window... Idk why i didn't close it ugh. I just don't want Canvas or my professor to think I looked at that page during my exam in order to cheat! Does anyone have experience with this? I thought about emailing my professor to explain but I don't want to start something up if there's nothing to be worried about.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello  @109685298176260 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with your quiz. From what you've explained, I would presume that you're fine and need not worry. By default, you can have other tabs open in Canvas while taking quizzes or  submitting assignments without issues. There are options for teachers to monitor students while taking quizzes using services like Lockdown Browser or Proctorio etc. If those weren't implemented or required by your teacher and you were able to take your quiz  successfully, you should be fine. Feel free to contact your teacher if need be, but there are lots of resources to restrict the free access online that you have while taking quizzes if they wanted to. 

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