Canvas not displaying correctly?

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For the past couple days, I've been experiencing a strange glitch on Canvas, in which the website no longer displays properly. I've tried using other browsers and restarting my computer, but nothing has brought the website back to what it is supposed to look like. I've attached some screenshots to show what it is displaying. 

Due to this issue, I cannot complete any coursework because I cannot access it, which is really stressing me out.
Any advice helps, thank you.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @sydfrog ...

Thanks for sharing those screenshots.  It sounds like you've tried a few things on your own to get Canvas to looking normal again for you...but without much luck.  I know this might not help, but try checking out:

What to do when Canvas looks 'big' or 'zoomed in'!

There might be some other ideas in there for you to try...including reading through some of the comments from others who have experienced similar issues.

If that does not work, I would suggest reaching out to Canvas Support:

Good luck, and keep us posted...thanks!

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