Canvas private massages

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Are the messages that I send to my students / fellow students are private? Or I have access to them (if so, how to check) and other administrators

1 Solution
Community Champion

Anyone with the permissions to masquerade as another user (typically limited to Canvas admins) can see the messages within Canvas. If those messages go out via email, then anyone with access to the student's email can read them. At our school, that's a network administrator (different from Canvas administrator, but they may be the same at your institution). I don't have time to check right now, but I believe people with access to Canvas Data can access the messages. A court can issue a subpoena to get access to the information if warranted. If someone shares their computer or leaves the browser open, then whoever has access to that computer can read messages.

If you delete a message, you're only deleting your copy of the message, not the recipients. Think twice before hitting send and don't say anything that you wouldn't want other people to read.

Most electronic messaging has the same limitations.

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