Classic Quizzes Moderate - Time, Time-Out, download analysis

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Question from instructor:

I’m reviewing my student’s recent test results there are a couple questions I’d like to answer:

Am I allowing enough time? Too much time? Do students who take longer score better?

The “Moderate Quiz” view isn’t particularly helpful…

  1. Which students – if any – “timed out” and had their test submitted automatically?
  2. How long IS “about 1 hour” ? 50 minutes? 75 minutes? Is 90 minutes about 1 hour or about 2 hours?

In SpeedGrader I can see some of that data individually, but this view doesn’t show enough detail AND there doesn’t even seem to be a way to download that data (or even start and end times) so I can process those stats myself.

Any recommendations?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

@LNSiefert -

You can get some of the time information. (I wrote the following, re-looked at your question, and the about 1 hour statement has me thinking that for quizzes that take go over an hour you do not have the exact time - so I don't know about that - I tried looking back at my covid semester classes and I cannot edit the quizzes so they are probably archived.  I checked the submitted automatically and there is no indication of that)

For classic quizzes, go to the quiz and click on quiz statistics, click on student analysis and save the .csv file.  That file has the submission time of the quiz.  If your quiz is a hard time limit (by that I mean it opens at 10am closes at 11am and you have 1 hour to take the quiz).

You could then assume that they started at 10am and then you have the finish time.

For the actual time taken on the quiz i would use the moderate quiz page as you suggest.  Then what you do is left click and drag at the beginning of the first student to start a partial highlight, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and go to the score area of the last student hold down the shift key and left click after the score to highlight everything in the moderate quiz area.  Then open an excel file and paste the information in using  "match destination formating" (right click on a cell and select it from the past option.  Once you have the data in excel, you will have a column with the finish time of "finished in X minutes".  add three columns to the right of that column and then for that column convert text to column using space as the delimiter.  Then the third column is all the numbers in minutes that it took students to take the exam.

The only way I can think of to get that information would be to get the JSON information using API calls or some other ways with the Canvas data - I do not know how to do that so I am cannot provide any help other than the above.



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