Course home page- chage

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Once my course has started, and my course home page is published, can I change it in the middle of the course?  For example, maybe i want to start with the basic home page, but after the first few weeks, I want to change the home page to be one of the other options like assignments.  Is this possible?  Or am I locked into one choice for the home page once it's published?  Thanks!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

The procedure will depends on what you want to make your home page. 

1. Go to your home page. On the right side is an option to Choose Home Page. That gives you a couple of options, including one titled "Assignment List"

2. Go to Pages and select View All Pages. On the list of your pages, go to any page and select the 3-dot menu on the far right. You can make any page the "Front Page." From there, go to the Home Page and use the Choose Home Page option on the right to select Pages Front Page. This allows you to make a custom home page of your own design.

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