Cumulative vocabulary: matching

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I would like to create a cumulative matching vocabulary quiz in Canvas.  

Example:  week 1's quiz contains 5 vocabulary terms that must be matched with the correct definition; week 2's quiz contains 5 new terms plus the 5 terms from week 1, with all 10 terms shuffled together.

At the moment, the 5 terms I add in week 2's quiz then appear in week 1's quiz as well.  They also appear as two separate questions.

I have tried the following:

  • "Classic" and new quiz option;
  • Both the edit pencil and the "add" icon followed by "+Question/Answer Pair."

Is this possible type of quiz even possible?  Thanks very much!

Keith Heimann (Brookdale Community College)


1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@kheimann In order to create a cumulative vocabulary question like you are looking for, you can create the week one version of the question and add it to a bank (either Question or Item depending on if you are using classic or New Quizzes).  Then you can duplicate the question in the bank, and edit the duplicate version to add the additional terms.  By duplicating and editing the most recent version of the question each time, you will have a series of questions that accumulate terms.

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