Curving tool gave same grade to students with different scores??

Community Explorer

I guess this is mostly a rant/vent, but I'm frustrated at the "dumbness" of Canvas' built-in curving tool.

I tried to use it for the first time today. University undergrad course. I was annoyed that I couldn't undo the curve - which seems like a really crazy limitation in 2023 - but as long as I could see the gradebook history, I decided that was an acceptable tradeoff.

So I curved the grades and posted the scores...the overall distribution looked good, so I thought all was well. Well, I handed back the exams this morning, and I get two students coming up to me after class...even though they got different numbers of questions correct on the exam, Canvas gave them the same grade.

I know, I know...I should've checked all of this beforehand...but seriously, come on Canvas. It's not even smart enough to assign something like a half point in order to avoid this scenario? So now I'm in an awkward spot, where I can't really justify two students with different levels of work getting the same score...but the lower-performing student is going to be pi**ed if I lower his grade, and the higher-performing student is going to be pi**ed if I don't raise his grade. Then I'm going to have to go back and make this adjustment for everyone else who got the same score.

First and last time using this ridiculous's way more headache than it's worth...

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