Custom Account Admin Permissions and Blueprints

Community Explorer

We had set up custom account admin roles for all our Deans, Program Directors, and Department Chairs with the ability to associate their Blueprints with live courses.

Unfortunately, we found out that for those with this custom role to make the associations, we have to give them the Courses–Add permission and the Courses-Manage permission in addition to being enrolled in the blueprint as an instructor.

When we give them these permissions, they can then add courses and edit settings in the course like start and end dates, subaccounts, terms, and more.

Is there any way we can have the custom account admin role be able to associate courses with a blueprint without being able to add courses and edit course settings as I described above?

We are set to do some training on this for Deans, Program Directors, and Department Chairs on Wednesday and need to know ASAP what are options are.

Thank you so much in advance for your help!