Custom feedback for wrong answers in MCQs

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I am using Canvas ungraded quizzes.  If the student chooses a wrong answer I wish to provide a hint to the student to help them understand the topic better.

How do I do this in classic quizzes.  My institution has not enabled new quizzes.

If it is possible to do it in classic quizzes can I import the question in QTI format with the custom feedback?

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Community Coach

Hi @SeshMurthy,

With MCQs in Classic Quizzes, each answer will have a dedicated feedback box you can use to display feedback to the user if they select that particular answer.  There are also some more generic boxes for each question to display feedback if the student got the answer right, got it wrong, and also one generic feedback box to display regardless of their answer.  This is covered in the  How do I create a Multiple Choice quiz question? - Instructure Community  guide if you'd like more info.  I would think those options are available within the QTI export format as well, but I am not 100% sure on that.

I hope this helps a bit!


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