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Hello,  I am an instructor with a question about batch editing possibilities for modules. I would like to be able to batch rename all the pages inside the module without having to drill down one by one and edit each title. Is that possible? Thanks!

  • 12 Replies

I am using the Update a Course API to attempt to update a course_code (the course's shortname). Postman, it builds this request (I am using PUT as specified):https://...

  • 4 Replies

In the document What are the Canvas accessibility standards?, the Keyboard Shortcuts information is duplicated. Could the extra text be deleted for better readability? Page:

  • 1 Replies

The teachers no longer have the button in Settings to delete a course.  When I check the teacher role settings this is what I see and you cannot change it.  The icon is half green and cannot be changed. See pic.  Any ideas?

  • 2 Replies

The "Delete this course" button is now missing from course settings and attempting to delete a course via the API results in a 401 "unauthorized" error. The button in settings has been available for years and the API endpoint to delete courses has w...

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible to view outcomes linked to questions in new quizzes in the learning mastery gradebook?

  • 1 Replies

Is there anyway to get the Pretty HTML Editor to stop encoding Swedish characters like åäö into old-school ä etc? It's really annoying when editing the html directly. The character set utf-8 supports these from what I know. It's been so long sin...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hi Community, There are activity and resource changes that need to be made to a blueprint course, and that blueprint then associated with the active course.  I'm fine with this. Because this is an active course (in other words there are students on t...

  • 2 Replies

I’m having issues trying to change the colors of my courses in terms of transferring them accurately on my google calendar. For example, I have three classes; one that I put green, one orange and the other is purple on Canvas Calendae. But when I cop...

  • 1 Replies

Throughout Canvas' UI, the default style for links is blue text with no underline except on hover. But when I create a link in a page in a course, the underline is always on by default. If I apply the "text-decoration: none;" style, then there is nev...

  • 2 Replies

file upload restrictions. when I add file upload restrictions, I am guessing the student can only upload the MS word extensions i added or others. So, this will prevent the student from using an other file upload types Correct?

  • 5 Replies

This is not a question - rather it is a post to point people to the post that is in idea conversations: Allow Folders in Pages ( ) A chrome extension has been w...

  • 2 Replies

We are currently using the conclude option when we remove courses from our catalog now, and I am attempting to make a 'create_or_update' pattern so if we ever try to re-add a course to a catalog again, and transmit, we can change the course back from...

  • 4 Replies

    Hello! I note that Canvas system messages have insufficient color contrast for accessibility (by system messages, I mean the type that appear as alerts at the top of the screen in blue boxes, for example on group discussion boards).Specifically, ...

  • 5 Replies

I require students to address a "discussion question" every other week for a grade. I set it up as an assignment, and the students then submit their text-entry answers through the assignment submission portal. Ideally, I would start a discussion thre...

  • 2 Replies

I'm not sure I'm asking this question in the right place ,but I'm a bit surprised by how very limited the CSS allowlist is (I'm working from this document). In particular, I'm unable to use any modern layout engines (flex, grid, or multicol). I can't...

  • 3 Replies

If I understand the Guides correctly, using the "No Submission" or "Paper Submission" types, an assignment will automatically be removed from a student's to do list after the due date has passed. If the assignment is marked as missing by the teacher,...

  • 3 Replies

I forgot to adjust the point value of each question before I assigned the work to the students. Canvas graded every question at the default one-point per question. I have since revised the point value of each question and would like Canvas to regrade...

  • 2 Replies

Hi.  I've migrated a lot of assessments from Classic to New Quizzes, and the ones with multiple fill in the blanks have spacing issues that cannot be fixed through editing.  Screen shots attached of the Classic Quiz preview, the Classic Quiz Edit Vie...

  • 1 Replies

I created a course with my own individual Free for Teachers account, but would like to transfer ownership of this course to a different user.  Currently, the user I would like to transfer ownership to has been invited to the course as a Teacher role....

  • 3 Replies

I imported a quiz from a previous class. After importing, I couldn't find it. Turns out that it had the same name as an existing quiz (Exam 2) and it just overwrote it.  Is there a way to undo? The worst thing is that now my existing Exam 2 is just g...

  • 4 Replies

I am a student and my University uses Canvas. I submitted an assignment and the lecturer changed the due date of that assignment to grant an extension, after I had already submitted. The submission is not showing. Could the change in the assignment d...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to change the theme so links turn a different colour/color once selected?  

  • 3 Replies

Does Canvas have the ability to share and record sceen then upload like a YouTube link?  As a student this feature would be great.

  • 2 Replies

Dear All, A strange one this so any help greatly appreciated. A teacher taught a course during summer 2020. She used New Quizzes to deliver the final exam in the course. The teacher is teaching this course again this summer (summer 2021). At the begi...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hello,   There is still an issue when instructors use Respondus lockdown browser. The instructor has these settings checked for the LDB test: "Let students see quiz responses" "Only once after each attempt" "Let students see correct answers"   "Requi...

  • 2 Replies

I'd like to display my Google calendar on the home page of my course.  I'm familiar with embedding the HTML into a Page and having a link to the page on the home screen, but that just displays as a link to the calendar.  I want the actual calendar to...

  • 6 Replies

I can't view a large (250 MB) video file in SpeedGrader. The video does not display. Instead, I see a link to download (see below). I assume the video uploaded properly because it downloads and plays without issue. The video is under the file size li...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

I have an HTML file that I've uploaded to Canvas.  I would like to embed this HTML page in an assignment page.  Ideally I'd like to turn off the "download" option as well. I can add the file directly to a module, which gets something close to what I ...

  • 5 Replies

My partner teacher & I shared Sandbox Courses for each of our preps. She is leaving the district. When her employment officially ends and her account is deactivated, will I lose access to the Sandbox Course she initially created? Or will I still have...

  • 1 Replies