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How can I keep students (in my current course) from seeing the old due dates from my copied course?

I    change the due dates within the current modules but the old dates (original due dates) are still visible. Is it possible to change this? HELP!

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @darrylon_evans 

I have copied term-to-term for 6 years and so do our faculty, and the only time I have seen old dates persist is if there is a duplicate of an assignment - new dates on one copy, old dates on the other.

One way to check for duplicates is to....

  • Go to Assignments index page,
  • Un-publish everything,
  • Go to Modules and re-publish every graded activity you are using, then
  • return to the Assignments page and look for remaining un-published artifacts.

At this point you can make the decision to delete the extras, or simply leave them unpublished.

What can sometimes happen is that some of your students will submit to copy A and Others to copy B, and you won't be able to un-publish.  In these cases, determine which item you wish to keep, transfer student scores to the keeper, download submissions if appropriate/nwecessary, and delete the duplicate (or otherwise unwanted artifact).

Real pain when this happens, but it sometimes does.


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