Using Equation Editor for Formula Quizzes is not working in Classic Quizzes

Community Member

As a math teacher, I have been making a lot of formula quizzes and recently decided to add some fractional components and formula quizzes does not like it at all.

For instance, while [x]/2 =5 works just fine, if I go into the equation editor and create the fraction with [x] as the numerator and 2 as the denominator = 5, there are no options for me to change x (and yes, I understand mathematically, I wouldn't want to change x as x is unknown, not variable here, but I digress....). However, if I edit the LaTex myself (for which I believe it is \frac{[x]}{2}=5, then it gives me the option to change x; HOWEVER, when my students click on the quiz question, it literally does NOT replace the x with the value of x, it stays as an "x" in brackets!


Any help would be lovely!!


Thank you. 

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