Dashboard classes

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When will my spring classes show up on dashboard? I know classes do not begin until January 17th but I thought the classes I'm registered for would show up on Dashboard already. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @KaddiStrate,

This varies from institution to institution, but in many cases course availability is controlled by a combination of the instructor and institution policy.  At the institution I work for, we let students start accessing courses up to a week early *if* the instructor has published the course (indicating that it's ready for viewing).  We also make all courses available to students on the first day of the semester, whether the instructor has published the course themselves or not.  I think many institutions have similar practices, but you could definitely reach out to your instructor to ask about the course availability.

Hope this helps!  Let us know if you have additional questions about this or other topics.


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