Decross-listed course won't recross-list

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I am having difficulty cross-listing a course that was removed de-listed from a wrong course and needs to be cross-listed with the correct course. Every time I follow the directions to cross-list for the correct courses, the course never migrates over. Both courses are published and both are the exact same content, but I need them to be updated just once to keep my preps straight.  I am just a classroom teacher, and I can't change the course information because I don't have Admin access. Please help ;( 

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1 Solution
Panda Pros
Panda Pros

Hello @JennaArnold and welcome to the Community!  I understand your struggles!  Are there any assignments in the course you want to crosslist? If there are, you'll lose that information!

You said you followed the directions here:  

You may want to reach out to Canvas Support (in your Help menu) since I can't access your instance to see what's going on.  Best of luck!

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