Deleting a Course as an Observer

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Community Novice

Please Help!!! I have a free for teacher account and had an instructor who listed me as an observer on her course. That instructor is no longer with my company and because I am an observer I cannot delete the course off my account. 

Does anyone know how to do so if I am the admin on the account? Having her change it for me is not an option.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @TaDental,

If there are no other instructors in the course and you cannot reach out to the original one, I'm afraid you may be a little bit stuck in terms of full removal of the observer role.  The Free-for-teacher Canvas instance doesn't really have admin roles available, so I think the best thing you could do at this point would be to unfavorite the course, which should at least remove it from your dashboard.


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