Different Help Options for Different Sub-Accounts

Community Champion

Curious if/how other institutions that use sub-accounts might be managing help options when different sub-accounts have different support methods or options?

For example, we now have our 100% online courses in their own sub-account, with their own sub-account structure.  These courses have different support/help options than our face-to-face students so we do not want them getting the same help menu as that just becomes a mess listing out who should click which options.  I do not see a way within Canvas to give different options to different sub-accounts, only to different roles.

I know this would not be "Canvas supported" but since I already have another custom tray in the Global Nav., I was thinking about just creating a unique help one for this sub-account and then hiding the default Canvas help menu...thoughts on this?

Any other ideas people have?

Thank you for your help and insight!
