Disable faculty from adding images to dashboard

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Our College creates all course content for faculty, therefore, we are trying to keep branding for the College across the board, which would include the images for the dashboard.  Currently, our faculty add images and GIF to their dashboards, we want to disable that feature for them and have each discipline have its own dashboard image and it remain static across the campus, not allowing faculty to change it.  

I don't see where I can disable this feature,  am I missing something?

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1 Solution

the following css should hide the button to upload/change a course image:

.CourseImageSelector button {visibility:hidden}

How with that being said, if you were to put that in your theme css, it would be hidden for all users, even admins.  To do this based more on role you could do this with javascript (either hide the button for all non-admins, or hide for everyone in css, then unhide for admins with javascript).  The latter option would look something like (writing this without testing, which is always a bit dangerous):

if (ENV.current_user_roles.includes('admin')) {
const CourseImageButton=document.querySelectorAll('.CourseImageSelector button p').forEach(element => {

Best practice would be to put this javascript inside an if statement checking if the url is a course settings page.

Hope this helps!

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