Discussion Forum Report

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I received an email notification that a student post to a discussion forum had been reported by another student. It was marked as "other" (so, not inappropriate or offensive or abusive), but I can't see any problem with the original post. How do I find out which student submitted the report so that I can reach out to that student?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @dj_dycus ...

It looks as though you are using the Discussions Redesign in your Canvas course.  In reviewing this Guide, How do I allow users to report a reply in a discus... - Instructure Community - 542163 (canvaslms.co..., I don't see anything regarding who reported the discussion topic in your course.  As you can see from the light blue box at the top of the Guide, the Discussion Redesign is currently a beta feature.  So, this might be your opportunity to suggest additional features such as identifying who reported the topic.  Check out the "Ideas and Themes" section in this link: Instructure Community Guide - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).

Hope this helps...even if it's not a direct answer to your question.

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