Edit or Repost Assignment to reopen outside of grading period

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I am trying to reopen an assignment that is from last grading period and cannot figure out how to do so. I am unable to edit the due date, I have tried duplicating the assignment and sending it to another Canvas course, but both methods still keep the same due date and won't allow me to change it. 


If this is just how Canvas is working, I feel like this is definitely an issue that needs to be corrected. Instructors should be able to change due dates outside of the grading period.

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi @DebraTimmons ,

Grading Periods are a thorn in my side, too; they've caused some grief in my institution this year.

Try importing the assignment to a course (use Import Course Content tool in Settings) rather than Copy to.. from the source course. When you use the import tool, you get the option to adjust dates, including an option to remove dates. This method should produce a copy of the assignment without any attached dates that you can then copy or import back to the original course. (ETA: I think you can just import it to the same course.)

What is the Course Import tool?


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