Emails in Canvas to students bouncing back w/ "undelivered" messages

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I keep encountering a problem that seems simple enough but I can not figure out how to solve it.

Whenever I try to respond to a student email through Canvas, the email error message comes back:   I do not understand how to confirm a communication channel in my Canvas profile.  Thank you to anyone who can help.


The message you sent with the subject line "Re: Submission Comment: [name of student], [assignment name] was not delivered. To reply to Canvas messages from this email, it must first be a confirmed communication channel in your Canvas profile. Please visit your profile and resend the confirmation email for this email address. You may also contact this person via the Canvas Inbox. For help, please see the Inbox chapter for your user role in the Canvas Guides. 
1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @tuj26731 ,

I couldn't find an exact guide for this in the Canvas community, but I did find this guide on a school's website that walks you through the steps needed to confirm your email address in Canvas.

I hope that helps!


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