Equation editor bugs

Community Contributor

I kindly found a couple equation editor bugs.. Any fix to keep automatic altering code out of my face?

I am trying to type:

I_init subscripting the init. It changes it to greek and adds a space and won't let you edit by typing. result below. If you delete the "\in it" it will let you type directly again. But often with odd results.

equation editor 1.JPG


Next. If trying to put  () around a math equation and then typing "mm" it will go into lock down and the green check turns greyed out. I wanted 55m *(1mm/0.001m) type of thing.

This is odd one. Because if you leave the ( ) out the mm work on top of a fraction but not on the bottom. So odd. Really a biotch when trying to hammer out stuff and these things pop up on a simple equation.

equation editor 2.JPG

equation editor 3.JPG
