Finished course still in to-do list

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We have finished a course last academic year, and this year, they are using the same canvas page for the class. The to-do list for that class still appears on my Canvas and Canvas calendar. Is there a way to disable this? 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@harfajardo ...

I am not sure what your role is at your school, but it almost sounds like they are re-using the same course shell from one semester to another to house their course content for that course.  Typically, what schools will do is to create brand new Canvas course shells each semester so that content can be copied from one course to another, and new due dates for assignments can be established.  This would probably resolve any "To Do" items that you've already completed on your end.  I might suggest that you reach out to your school's Canvas team in their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education department to see how things are set up ... and to at least let them know what you are currently seeing in Canvas.  They may have some suggestions for you on how to remove those items from your "To Do" list.  It's a bit difficult to say for sure how they have things set up since we don't have access to their Canvas environment, so your best bet is to talk with someone directly at your school.

Thanks, and good luck to you!

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