Google Drive Link...

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Community Novice

I originally linked my school google drive to my canvas account, but now want to change it to my personal google drive.  I can't find a place to do that.  When I go into Google Drive on the Menu, it just tells me that I need to Authorize the gdrive, but when I click on it I get an error message that tells me my school account doesn't allow the login.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JonathanA1,

I think you'll want to reach out to your school's support team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) about this.  My guess is that they are using the newest Google/Canvas integration, and I believe Google has decided to make certain features only available to official school emails and not personal gmail addresses, which is probably why you're not being prompted to choose an account.  I could be wrong on this, but your school's support team will probably have more information than we do as Canvas users here in the Instructure Community.

Hope this helps a bit!


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