Gradebook access options

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My institution is new to Canvas and we've only been using it for less than a year and want to start using assignments.

We'd like to create an assignment on a course and restrict the access to view and mark them via the Speedgrader. Specifically, we have students divided into tutor groups of 5 people, and we'd only want their  specific tutor to see and mark their assignment. 

I'm thinking that we'd need to create a section for each tutor group + tutor, and assign the assignment to that section.

The question is, would tutors (with TA access) be able to see other sections assignments or not?


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Great question! I think so long as you select "Can interact with users in their section only" when adding TAs to the course, they should not be able to see other sections work, but I am not 100% certain. Hopefully someone else can chime in to confirm!Screenshot 2023-08-23 155835.png

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