Grading Rubrics

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Community Novice

Good Morning,   I am wondering if I put a rubric in an assignment and assignment certain students to certain graders, can those graders only see those students and no others that they are assigned to in the gradebook?  We would like to have fellows grade, but keep the privacy of any student they are not grading.

Thank you, 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Howdy  @afox2006 ‌

Currently, I am not aware of that feature being available in Canvas. Probably the best way to handle this is to have the instructor specify to the TAs which assignments to grade and specify not to access the assignments of others. Also, when they are grading it is difficult to determine who is grading what- unless they write a comment (unless you're admin who can run a "grade change activity" log report for each TA. When an elevated user is enrolled in the course, they are given access to the whole course and if they have the right to grade, they would be able to access all assignments/all students.

However, if it is a multi-section course and the TAs are enrolled with the role of TA- you can limit TA grading within each section (though this feature may or may not be limited by your admins).

Hope this helps; let us know.

Sky V.

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