Hiding quiz answers from students given an extension on a quiz

Community Participant

I have weekly quizzes that students can do as many times as they want.  The quizzes use a variety of types of questions -- fill-in-the-blanks, dropdown menus, multiple choice, etc.  Each time students take the quiz, they do not see the correct answers but do know which ones they got wrong so they can keep trying.

I would like students to be able to see the correct answers after the due date and I know there is an option in (classic) quizzes where a date can be set to show the answers.  So, I could set this for the day after the due date.  However, the problem is that if I give a student an extension on a quiz, that student will see the answers since the date has passed.  I think that a minimum number of attempts can be set before the answer is shown, but is there some way to set a separate "answer reveal" date for a student?

Thank you.