How can I remove colors from my text color palette?

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I have added too many colors to my text color palette and want to reduce the options. How can I remove colors from the palette? There is a square with the caption "remove color," but I can't figure out how to use it.

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2 Solutions

@armst29 ...

Thank you for the clarification.  I believe that your understanding of the "Remove color" option is not correct.  The "Remove color" option when in the color selector is not to remove colors from the color palette.  Rather, if you highlight text within the RCE that you want to shade as a different color such as blue or purple, if you re-highlight that colored text later on, the "Remove color" option in the color selector will reset the color to the default text  It's removing the color from the's not removing the custom color from your color palette.

I hope this helps to clarify things for you.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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@SusanNiemeyer and @armst29 ...

I just tried this, and it seemed to work.  Clear your browser history/cache files from your browser, close the browser completely, then re-log in to your Canvas course.  The custom colors I had in my own color palette were not there any more.

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