How do I delete courses from past semesters from my dashboard?

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I have seen other solutions, and none of them are relevant to my situation. I do not have the course favorited and have not selected anywhere else for it to appear on my dashboard. It stayed on the dashboard through Summer semester and now it is still there in Fall. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @destinie ...

When you are on your "Courses" >> "All Courses" screen, do you have any courses marked with a yellow star?  If the answer is "no", then by default, Canvas will show up to 20 courses on your Canvas Dashboard...per this Guide:

As soon as you "favorite" (place a yellow star) next to one of your courses, that is the one that will show up on your Dashboard, and the others will not.  You can "favorite" (star) multiple courses you want to appear on your Dashboard.

Does this help to answer your question?

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