How does Canvas determine averages within Categories

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How does Canvas determine the "average" grade for a "Category" ? For instance, if the category is "Lecture quizzes", but individual quizzes within that category are worth different amounts of points, is each quiz "weighted" equally???? This is important in setting up categories so that grades based on them are correctly averaged.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @mtrue11,

Each for each assignment group/category, Canvas takes adds the total points earned and divides them by the number of points possible for each student's completed and graded work.  So points still do have a lot of influence within groups (a 100 point quiz would count for 10x more than a 10 point quiz in the same assignment group).  The  How do I weight the final course grade based on as... - Instructure Community - 746  guide has even more detailed info about this if you're interested.

I hope this info helps!


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