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When users are having difficulty with logging in, an admin can modify their username and password. However, most users do not want their username to change. The best way, it seems to me, is to change only their password and then suggest they change i...

  • 5 Replies

Maybe I'm worrying for nothing but its the first time I've seen this. I had a student come in today with a question and I noticed that  their Canvas dashboard looked like an Observer's dashboard would.  There was a dropdown (attached) and the student...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

I've created time slots in the calendar for my students to book, but they are saying they can't see them. It seems that, to view the time slots, they need to click on "Find Courses" and select the specific course where I set them up. Is there an easi...

  • 2 Replies

I have a course with multiple group sets, each containing more than 30 groups. Students can self-enroll in these groups through self-enrollment. The problem is that students have to scroll extensively to locate the groups, as all the groups appear on...

  • 2 Replies

I'm looking for a way to publish all grades at once in Canvas. I currently have around 100 tests uploaded as practice material, but the grades are set to NOT PUBLISH. This setup means students often email me asking to release their scores, which can ...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I am a teacher and I have used Canvas before to allow students to submit assignments with Turnitin. However, when I click into where I can usually see the list of assignments, I can now only see options to download them and then re-upload them to pro...

  • 1 Replies

Hello All, I've seen a lot of feedback both in this user group and on the update posts about expand/collapse and preferences as well as rubrics, but there are a few other issues I've run into with how checkpoints have been implemented that I wanted t...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 15 Replies

Learning Mastery Gradebook will not load when I open it - there is only a spinning wheel. The traditional Gradebook view loads fine. Any ideas how to fix it so the Learning Mastery Gradebook view loads?   I have already tried clearing history and cac...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

To keep the grading to-do list uncluttered I tend to click this button for assignments that won't be due for a while yet. But new submissions come in and I have to click again. Is there any chance for an "Ignore Until Due Date" option that works simi...

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible to delete "Test Student"

  • 2 Replies

I have a teacher whose courses are cross-listed and she chooses to enter different due dates for each section. When using Speed Grader, she is unable to switch between sections to grade the same assignment. When selecting a different section she gets...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to access a previous school year's calendar on Canvas?  

  • 1 Replies

I tried to download the student videos that were submitted using the media camera in canvas and I am not able to download that file. Is there another step involved. These were videos created in Canvas using the internal camera feature and not an exte...

  • 1 Replies

We are utilizing the draft back extension to help combat AI generated writing. When my teachers utilize the Google LTI 1.3 and open the doc for grading, the draftback extension is not there. If they access the papers through the Google drive folder s...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Hi! I am trying to access zoom-links through Canvas for a course where I am assigned as a teacher. Everyone can see the zoom-links except for me. I get an entirley different interface than all the others.  I have made sure that my Canvas-mail is the ...

  • 3 Replies

Hey all..I'm planning the orientation for new students at my university and wondering if Canvas can handle different groups for each campus.We have two campuses, and I’d like to tailor the experience a bit for each location. Is it possible in Canvas?...

  • 3 Replies

We have an assignment component set with Canvas linked to TII submission. The settings would allow students to have late submission. As per normal practice, students are allowed for 1 attempt of late submission, thus, Speed Grader must have shown onl...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I have videos on EdPuzzle that i am intergrating into Canvas coursework, but i want to block the actual edpuzzle page, (as there are many non-educational videos on that site). is that possible, like to block edpuzzle website throught google.admin...

  • 2 Replies

Who can help me open a quiz that has been closedMy professor told me to contact canvas support but I can't seem to find it. 

  • 1 Replies

I'm an instructional designer working on online Canvas courses everyday. I'm not happy with the recent "improvement" to the rich content editor. When using the html editor, I've noticed it has a white background vs. a gray background. Not terrible, b...

  • 3 Replies

I have an assignment that has diappeared from my module. It is still listed my gradebook and it is still listed in the assignments tab but it is NOT in the module anymore. It was in my module but then just disappeared. But if I try adding it back in ...

  • 1 Replies

It's really frustrating to have to enter my password every single time I return to the site. I'm on a private machine that no one else has access to, why can't I change a setting to leave me logged in until I log out?

  • 1 Replies
  • 2 Replies

I have a student who left in the middle of a course. It has not concluded yet. I can't see any of this present courses...the dashboard is blank and the courses are not listed in the past enrollments because the class has not concluded until Dec. How ...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know how to work around this error message?"This website is under heavy load (queue full)We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later."

  • 1 Replies

I am creating a curriculum guide for my course. The guide is shared with my admin in google docs. I would like for my admin to be able to click a link in the guide and bring up a copy of my weekly front page in Canvas. When the admin tries to click t...

  • 1 Replies

Student access to Canvas page: Equipment: Newer MacBook Air. Using Safari Some Canvas pages started loading only a "Transcript" over the top of the page and I lose navigation control and access to rubrics, reply and submit buttons. At first it was on...

  • 1 Replies

I have copied and pasted links for Google Drive Docs, Slides, and Spreadsheets for years into Canvas. I have always had success with changing the Google generate link code from "edit" to "copy" to force students to have to make a copy of the source i...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I have a question related to building and using program level outcomes for an interdisciplinary program that uses courses found in other sub accounts. I am able to build the outcomes in the program sub account, but I don't have any way for the...

  • 3 Replies

I am unable to assign assignments to a section or even individual students... the only option I get is "Everyone." Yes, I have deleted out Everyone and tried typing the sections in manually. Yes, I have students in the sections and are typing the rig...

  • 2 Replies