How to download a course?

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Community Novice

Hi, I am supposed to download a course for my work training but the link they gave does not work. Is there a way I can individually search for the course and add it to my canvas myself?

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1 Solution
Community Champion


What @Salahamrani said is the most likely resolution.

In order for you to download a course, you would need to have advanced permissions in the course -- more than a student would have. If you were in the course as a teacher, then you could export your own copy and download it.

Theoretically, someone with those permissions has already downloaded the course and made the file available to you because you cannot do it on your own.

That said, the error message you get might be helpful in tracking down things.

A 404 Not Found error means something is wrong with URL. It may be possible to look at the URL and determine if there was a mistake made. Perhaps there is a space in the middle of it or they left off a portion of it. That's not something we can help with since we don't have the URL. Whoever gave you the URL probably doesn't want everyone in the world to have it, so I wouldn't post it here. Just take a look at it and see if there is something missing that you can figure out.

It may also be a permissions thing on the server. A 401 Unauthorized status message means the file is in the right location but that you don't have the ability to view it.

Either way, you'll want to contact someone in charge of the link to let them know there's a problem and so they can fix it.

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